Do you or your partner like to playfully toss your baby in the air or flip her upside down – and listen to her squeal with delight? Nothing brings on a baby's giggles like a few aerial stunts performed in the adoring hands of her parents. But before your send your little one flying, make sure you're playing it safe. Certain kinds of roughhousing can be dangerous for your baby. Children under two years can sustain very serious injuries if they're thrown up in the air, shaken, or bounced vigorously. This "shaken baby syndrome" is most often the result of violent shaking done in anger, but can also occur during play. That's because a baby's head is heavy in proportion to her body and isn't well supported by her underdeveloped neck muscles. The action of the head whipping back and forth can cause the brain to rebound against the skull, resulting in swelling, bleeding, and possible neurological problems, as well as damage to the optic nerve and vision.
How can you be sure that the fun doesn't get too rough? Avoid any play that involves jostling your baby's unsupported head or neck or bouncing her up and down. Never toss her up and catch her, as much as she might love that. If you're jogging, push baby in a stroller; never run with her in a baby carrier. And never, ever shake a baby, or let anyone else do so, in play or in anger. Instead, stick to gentle games such as "flying" - holding your baby securely and gliding her through the air. Or engage her in cuddlefests or chasing games, once your baby is old enough to crawl. If you or your husband will be doing any "flipping," make sure you always support her head and neck and that the flips are executed smoothly.
Edugether is an all-day English-Spanish home child care with a Spanish immersion education program, focusing on social, cognitive, language, and physical skills development.
Touching, squeezing, and exploring are essential for learning. These experiences help children build significant moments in their lives.
A child’s early exposure to language is crucial for development, predicting language skills, cognitive growth, and academic success.